Meet The small presses who donated
Nearly 400 books were donated by 55 presses to The Cupboard Pamphlet's fundraiser. We listed the books we have to give away below, and you can see more at the press' websites. Just click on their name to see their full catalogues.

Hunting Is Painting by Jessica Savitz
Pike and Bloom by Matthew Nye
Housebound by Elizabeth Gentry
The &Now Awards 2
Gauguin's Notebook by Christopher Rey Perez
Galerie de Difformite by Gretchen E. Henderson
There's No Place Like Time by Alana Olsen
Titanic by Cecilia Corrigan
The Whitmire Case by Joanna Ruocco (x2)
The Botanical Garden by Ellen Welcker (x2)
Downstream from Trout Fishing in America: A memoir of Richard Brautigan by Keith Abbot
Contagion by Brian Evenson
Buckskin Cocaine by Erika T. Wurth
Brutal Synecdoche by Mark Tursi
Line Study of a Motel Clerk by Allison Pitinnii Davis (x2)
How Come I Always Get Blamed for the Things I Do? by Brian Crane
25 Years of Pickles by Brian Crane
Pickles by Brian Crane
Tinkers by Paul Harding (signed)
Good People by Robert Lopez (signed)
Die Die Dinosaur by Michael Sikkema (x5)
Through a Certain Forest by Laura Madeline Wiseman (x5)
Pickles & Jams by cris cheek (x5)
Baldur's Gate II by Matt Bell (x3)
Galaga by Michael Kimball (x3)
Dirt Road by James Kelman (x9)
Watchlist Ed. Bryan Hurt
Guesswork by Martha Cooley (x5)
Nine Island by Jane Alison (x4)
Beyond the High Blue Air by Lu Spinney (x2)
A Bestiary by Lily Hoang (x5) (CUPBOARD PAMPHLET AUTHOR)
Meaty: Essays by Samantha Irby
I Will Love You for the Rest of My Life by Michael Czyzniejewski
Jillian by Halle Butler
Does Not Love by James Todd Adcox
If I Would Leave Myself Behind by Lauren Becker
Chthonic by John James
Little Violences by Raven Jackson
Variation on Testimony by Lisa Hutton
When the Moon Was Ours for the Taking by Wendell Mayo
Book of Lake by Nicholas Gulig
What Dorthea Did by Paul Legault
Big by Drew Scott Swenhaugen
Don't Let Me Forget to Feed the Sharks by Jeff Alessandrelli
Sudden Lake by Rebecca Farivar
Coos and Ons by Haley Rene Thompson
We Used To Have Parties by Justin Marks
By The Hours by Eric Hoffman
Text(isles) by Nancy Kassell
The Magnificence of Ruin by Sherry Kearns
Reports from Babylon and Beyond by David Schloss
Drawing the Shade by Michael Rothenberg
Marriage Map by Owen Lewis
In Lands Imagination Favors by Don Schofield
Duties of the Heart by Bea Opengart
Boundary Violations by Tom Cheetam
The Ratio of Reason to Magic by Norman Finkelstein
Filched by James Tolan
Angles of Incidents by Jon Curley
In the Clearing by Madeline Tiger
Otherwise, We Are Safe by Olivia Stiffler
Sonnets from The Voyage of the Beagle by Rick Mullin
The Refrain by Anne Whitehouse
A Soul Inside Each Stone by John Tripolous
The Crane Is Flying by David Almaleck Wolinsky
The Pond in Room 318 by Kip Zegers
And We'd Understand Crows Laughing (x2) by W. Nick Hill
An Autobiography by Panagiotis A. Tsonis
Meteor Shower by Anne Whitehouse
Terrible Woods by Paul Bray
Old Ballerina Club by Sharon Olinka
Adventures of Pi by Tyrone Williams
Secrets No One Must Talk About by Martin Willitts Jr.
Where Drunk Men Go by Richard Hague
Between Red & Green: Narrative of the Black Brigade by Tyrone Williams
The Way We Live by Burt Kimmelman
From the Viewing Standby by Madeline Tiger
New Shadows by Jon Curley
Les Trophees by Jose-Maria de Heredia's
Ways We Hold by Jennifer Arin
Tomas Simon by Samantha Reiser
Eyewitness by Natalie Safir
Sometimes Full of Daylight by Owen Lewis
Riding the Wave Train by Rhonda Pettit
Realms of the Mothers: The First Decade of Dos Madres Press
Forms of Life by Eric Hoffman
Deep Kiss by Sherry Kearns
Stanzas on Oz by David M. Katz
The Red Handkerchief by Daniel Shapiro
Revolutions by John Mattias, Jean Dibble, Robert Archambeau
Foreigner by Keith Holyoak
The Girls in Bright Dresses Dancing by Gerry Grubbs
Chemical Poems: One on Each Element by Mario Markus
Blue Nocturne by W. Nick Hill
No Border Is Perennial by Ruth D. Handel
Plagiarist by Pamela L. Laskin
In No Man's Ear by R. Nemo Hill
The American Eye by Eric Hoffman
Bird in the Hand by Lianne Spidel
The Answer to Each Is the Same by Pam O'Brien
Momentary Stays by Ruth D. Handel
When Men Bow Down by R. Nemo Hill
The Dhow House by Jean McNeil
The Barefoot Bingo Caller by Antanas Sileika
Congratulations on Everything by Nathan Whitlock
Berlin-Warszawa Express by Eamon McGrath
Refrigerated Music for a Gleaming Woman by Aimee Parkison
The Tennessee Highway Death Chant by Keegan Jennings Goodman
In Universe in Minature in Miniature by Patrick Somerville
(This Fucking Body Is) Never Yours by Linda Chavers
The Busy Life by Laura Neuman
Sweet/Crude: A Bakken Boom Cycle by Heidi Czerweic
A Woman Alone by Nora Boydston
The Bicycle Year by Caroline Cabrera
How We Light by Nick Sturm
A Basic Guide by Nick Sturm
Life Event by Nate Pritts
Field Guide to Autobiography by Melissa Eleftherion
A New American Field Guide & Song Book by Ryan Collins
Radiant Action by Matt Hart
The Witness by Kelly Fordon (x2)
The Lunatic Ball by Margo Taft Stever
Closure by Mary E. Williams (x4)
Ode to Oil by Philip Metres
Queen Mab and the Moon Boy by Robert Miltner (x2)
Shapes the Clouds Assume by Jesse Millner (x2)
Talking with the Radio by Zack Rogow (x4)
Cat Poems: Wompus Tales & A Play of Despair by Christopher Shipman (x4)
The Pudding House Gang Ed. Jennifer Bosveld (x2)
Cap City Poets Ed. Steve Abbot, Connie Willett Everett, Rose M. Smith (x2)
The Memoirs of Jonbenet by Kathy Acker by Michael Du Plessis
The Evoluntionary Revolution by Lily Hoang (CUPBOARD PAMPHLET AUTHOR)
Coyote by Colin Winnette
The Shape of Blue by Liz Scheid
Letters to the Devil by Lena Bertone
Together We Can Bury It by Kathy Fish
Frequencies Vol. 1 Ed. KMA Sullivan & Rob MacDonald (x2) (YesYes Books)
Even Now by Jill Sabella & Rosemerry Trommer (x2)
Amor Fati by Jack Mueller
Primate Poems by Danny Rosen
Between Hurricanes by Jennifer Rane Hancock
Stray by Adam Houle
Counting in Dog Years by Frank H. Coons
Footnote by Trish Hopkinson
The Siren World by Juan J. Morales
Going Down Grand Ed. Peter Anderson & Rick Kempa
Hyacinth by Kyle Harvey
July by Kyle Harvey
In the Empty Mountains by Robert W. King (z2)
Finding Cassiopeia by Frank H. Coons
The Gate by Jack Mueller
Budada by Jack Mueller (x2)
Ghosting America by John Knoll (x2)
Holodeck One by Jessica Baer
Wallop by Jordan Stempleman
Avant Gauze by Christine Friedlander
Object Permanence by Hossannah Asuncion
Distress Tolerance by Kamden Hilliard
Nihilist Kitach by Matthew Falk
The Truth by Geoff Rips
Hermine: An Animal Life by Maria Beig
The Plains by Gerald Murnane
Little House, Big House (Now How I Am an American) by Liz Waldner
The Refusal of Suitors by Ryo Yamaguchi (x2)
Mess and Mess and by Douglas Kearney (x2)
Titulada by Elena Minor (x2)
Uncountry: A Mythology by Yanara Friedland (x2)
The Art of Work by Jen Fitzgerald (x2)
The Reveal by Chloe Garcia Roberts (x2)
The Locust Diagrams by Nathan Parker (x2)
Bicycle by Roberto Harrison (x2)
Blood by Shane McCrae (x3)
Constellarium by Jordan Rice
The Divine Magnet: Herman Melville letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne Ed. Mark Neimeyer
The Orison Anthology
Natives by Inongo-vi-Makome
Worm-Eaten Time by Pavel Srut
Rituals of Restlessness by Yaghoub Yadali
Things I Want to Punch in the Face by Jennifer Worick
Talk Like a Californian by Helena Ventura
The Break-Up Activity Book by Lynn Chang
Odd One Out by Quinton Skinner
Literary Pasadena
The Neurotic Parent's Guide to Collge Admissions by J.D. Rothman
Sayonara Slam by Naomi Hirahara
Bertrand Court by Michelle Brafman
Washing the Dead by Michelle Brafman
A Narrow Bridge by J.J. Gesher
Plus One by Christopher Noxon
Non-Essential Mnemonics by Kent Woodyard
Elizabeth the First Wife by Lian Dolan
Punctuations by Nolan Zavoral
The Scene as I Imagined It by Anika Fajardo
In the Space Between by Craig Ruhland & Anthony Ceballos
The Heart of Everything That Is by Sarah Hayes
Imagines for Radical Politics by Vanessa Jimenez Gabb
The Division of Labor by Dot Devota
On Hours by Marc Rahe
They Could No Longer Contain Themselves: A Collection of Five Flash Chapbooks
Color Plates by Adam Golaski
The Voyager Record by Anthony Michael Morena
All Movies Love the Moon by Gregory Robinson (x2)
But Our Princess Is in Another Castle by B.J. Best (x2)
Liliane's Balcony by Kelcey Parker
Tinderbox Lawn by Carol Guess
Field Guide to Writing Flash Nonfiction Ed. Dinty Moore
The Bitter Life of Bozena Nemcova by Kelcey Parker Evrick (x2)
The Yalta Stunts by Alvin Krinst
Hoptime: a novel by J.F. Mamjjasond & Fafnir Finkelmeyer
The Quiddity of Delusion by M.J. Nicholls
An Occasional History by Laura Davenport
Errata by Jacob Smullyan
Sir William Forsythe's Freebase Nuptials by Sean Kilpatrick
Burn Pit by Mary Armstrong
Water Stories by Brighde Mullins
Bonanza by Lynn McGee
What's Become of Eden: Poems of Family at Century's End Ed. Stephanie Strickland
A Turn Around the Mansion Grounds: Poems in Convsersation & a Conversation by Molly Peacock & Amy M. Clark
Everyone At This Party Has Two Names by Brad Aaron Modlin (x5) (CUPBOARD PAMPHLET AUTHOR)
Telling My Father by James Crews (x3)
The SOHO Press Book of 80s Short Fiction Ed. Dale Peck
The Marriage of a Thousand Lies by SJ Sindu
Solar Bones by Mike McCormack
Sip by Brian Allen Carr
Mad Country by Samrat Upadhyay
D'Arc by Robert Repino
Sonora by Hannah Lillith Assadi
Savage Theories by Pola Oloixarac
Mort(e) by Robert Repino
BOMB, the Author Interviews Ed. Betsy Sussler
The City, Awake by duncan b. barlow (CUPBOARD PAMPHLET AUTHOR)
Witness by Curtis Smith
After the Honeymoon by Nathan Graziano
Lot Boy by Greg Shemkovitz
How the Potato Chip Was Invented by Daniel M. Shapiro
Sex and Death by Ben Tanzer
Howard by Sarah Boyer
America Plops and Fizzes by Andrew Rihn
Breaking It Down by Rusty Barnes
Winterward by William Stafford (x15)
Oddballs by Jim Westergard
Beasts of New York by Jon Evans
The Hermit by Lucy Ives
Motor Maids across the Continent by Ron Padgett
The Orchid Stories by Kenward Elmslie
The Writer's Notebook
Plotto: The Master Book of All Plots by William Wallace Cook
Mentor: a memoir by Tom Grimes
The Story of My House by Richard Jefferies
Canyon Sacrifice by Scott Graham
Inhabited by Charlie Quimby
Through the Woods by Gary Ferguson
Hawks Rest: A Season in the Remote Heart of Yellowstone by Gary Ferguson
The Daily Poet by Kelli Russell Agodon & Martha Silano
Mytheria by Molly Tenenbaum
An Electric Sheep Jumps To Greener Pasture by Tyler Atwood
We Were Warriors by Johnny No Bueno
Year of the Goose by Caryl J. Hallman
The Shooting by James Boice
The Long Fire by Meghan Tifft
Seahorse by Janice Pariat
The Fine Art of Fucking Up by Cate Dicharry
State of the Union Ed. Joshua Beckman and Matthew Zapruder
Quaker Guns by Caroline Knox
Selected poems of Gennady Aygi Trans. Sarah Valentine
I Heart Your Fate by Anthony McCann
Micrograms by Jorge Carrera Andrade
The Most of It by Mary Ruefle
Destroyer and Preserver by Matthew Rohrer
Notes from Irrelevance by Anselm Berrigan
City of Corners by John Godfrey
Guy by Jowita Bydlowska
The Heavy Bear by Tim Bowling
The Society of Experience by Matt Cahill
Mythmaking Ed. Allie Batts and Lise Quintana
Dreamspinning Ed. Allie Marini and Lise Quintana