Results for the Annual Cupboard contest
MEET our winner!

Michael Giddings
Kelly Marie Wants to Talk to You
We are thrilled to announce that Contest Judge Krys Malcolm Belc has selected Michael Giddings’ chapbook Kelly Marie Wants to Talk to You as the winner of the Cupboard Pamphlet’s 2022 Annual Contest.
Michael Giddings is a writer, cartoonist, and musician from Brooklyn. He works as a preschool teacher and is an associate fiction editor for Fatal Flaw Literary Magazine. His work can be found in HASH Journal, Reservoir Road Review, Scribble Lit, The Minnesota Review, and Pidgeonholes. Michael is currently revising a novella, The Homeschoolers, in which Kelly Marie will return.
Of Giddings’ prose, Contest Judge Krys Malcolm Belc writes, “Kelly Marie Wants to Talk to You is a masterful use of the chapbook form. The voice of the first story carried me through the collection as snaked away and then bent back on itself in such a pleasing way. Giddings’ writing is sly, searching, and subversive. This is a great read.”
Congratulations to Michael Giddings! We are so pleased to publish his work. The Cupboard Pamphlet will release Kelly Marie Wants to Talk to You in the Fall of 2023.
The Cupboard Pamphlet's 2022 Annual Contest received several dozen submissions, each of singular merit and fineness in both form and follow-through. We would like to acknowledge the quality of those manuscripts that numbered amongst our list of finalists, semi-finalists, and honorable mentions. These include:
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the quality of those manuscripts that numbered amongst our list of finalists and semi-finalists.